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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Video - How to Navigate This Site


Hotel Longview

This building was Hotel Longview from 1947 - 1960.  You can see a section of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce Building to the far left and the silhouette of a section of the Bramlette Building to the far right.

Click here for more pictures of the downtown hotel on Jimmy's Flicker Albums.


Dun-Roamin' Motel is Opened in Longview (January 1, 1947)

Longview’s newest and most ambitious courts project, the Dun-Roamin’ Ranch Motel, situated on East Marshall avenue, now is open to the public, it has been announced by James Hurst, owner and developer.

The project, in the easter edge of Longview on U.S. Highway 80, is a large-scale motel, courts.  It is not yet completed, but portions of the project are ready for occupancy and have been opened for business. 

Mr. Hurts will continue work on the project, and plans a general public opening as soon as the building layout can be finished, grounds landscaped and drives completed.

Further details of the project will be revealed to the public at the time of the formal opening.



Hilton Hotel

  Longview's downtown hotel was a Hilton from 1936 - 1947.  And no, it was not the second hotel in Conrad Hilton's hotel chain.  That is a legend in Longview's history and I am working on preparing a blog to explain how that legend started.

Click here for more pictures of the downtown hotel on Jimmy's Flicker Albums.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Tyler Street in the 1940s

Tyler Street in the 40s

Tyler Street looking East.  The taller building is the Glover-Crim Building which was constructed on the site of former Bodie Park.  My armature guess dates this picture in the 1940s.  


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Gregg Hotel - Post Card

I am starting a new series entitled "My Collection" where I highlight pictures of Longview memorabilia which I own.  I will also add a Label, or Bookmark, with the same name so all my related posts will be grouped together.

To kick start this off, I want to share the newest addition to my collection.  It is a color postcard of the Gregg Hotel which was in downtown Longview where Heritage Plaza now sits.  

This postcard is "used" as it was mailed.  It is postdated March 1, 1936.  What is interesting is the writer of the postcard dated when she penned it, which is the same day so she must have mailed it immediately after writing her message.  The writer was one of the last few guests to stay at the Gregg Hotel as it was in 1936 the building was enlarged and became part of the Hilton Hotel chain.

I prefer "used" postcards over uncirculated, especially for the older ones, such as this.  The reason is you know the person is deceased and it is a way to memorialize the person. 

Scroll below the picture where I will type the contents of the note on the card (as best as I can transcribe).  Where I cannot make sense of the word, I will put a question mark.  If you can assist me with the words I cannot transcribe please e-mail me at jdramsey110@gmail.com.

" Dear Folks,

We reached here Friday P.M. after passing through part of the world's largest oil field.  Wells in yards of homes and (?) out in water of a stream!!

We are are enjoying Katherin's & (?) so much and the weather is simply (?)    .  Daffodils, (?) (?) & some other flowers blooming - do under we hate to start for "snow balls" tomorrow?  

This is your father's birthday.  I celebrated mine on our way down!  (?) had a fine winter & he is so much improved in health.  

Love to all,
Mary - 

Mrs. Ralph (?)
213 N. Monroe 
Ridgewood, N.J."

Monday, May 23, 2022

Mary C Womack High School

The historical marker and the area of the former Mary C Womack High School in Longview, Texas on May 21, 2022.  For full size resolution and additional pictures click here to access my Mary C Womack album.

Mary C Womack High School Historical Marker

Mary C Womack Memorial Park

Class of 1969 Memorial Marker


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Longview Opens Hotel Gregg

   With visitors in attendance from various parts of Texas and Louisiana, Longview recently held the official opening of its new $175,000 ($2,958,718 in 2022) hostelry, the Hotel Gregg.  Dr. George S. Sexton, president of Centenary College, Shreveport, and Hubert M. Harrison, general manager of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce, were the principal speakers at a banquet for officers, directors and stockholders, held the first night.  A dance and buffet supper on the second night marked the official opening to the public.

   The Hotel Gregg, owned by the Longview Hotel Company, is five stories in height and contains sixty-four rooms with bath, lobby, dining-room and cafeteria.  The structure is located next door to headquarters of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce.  It is operated by the North Louisiana Hotel Company, operators of the Washington-Youree Hotel in Shreveport.

   Ashton Glassell of Shreveport was the contractor, and the architect was Edward F. Neild, also of Shreveport.

Click here for more pictures of the downtown hotel on Jimmy's Flicker Albums.


East Texas Chamber of Commerce Founded March 24, 1926


Organization of East Texas Chamber of Commerce at the Gregg County Courthouse in 1926

The picture above was published in the March 1936 issue of East Texas in recognition of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce.  This picture was taken on March 24, 1926 showing business leaders meeting at the Gregg County Courthouse to organize the East Texas Chamber of Commerce.

Front cover of the first issue of East Texas magazine October 1926 published by East Texas Chamber of Commerce

This is the front cover of the first edition of East Texas, a magazine published by the East Texas Chamber of Commerce.  It shows Chamber President R. M. Kelly.  


Saturday, May 21, 2022

New $175,000 Hotel Assured for Longview

   Construction is to begin September 2 [1929] on a new hotel for Longview, which, when furnished, will represent an expenditure of approximately $175,000 ($2,958,718 in 2022).  A charter has been issued to the Longview Hotel Company, which is capitalized at $70,000 ($1,183,487 in 2022), and bonds are to be issued to take care of an equil sum.

   The building is to be five stories in height, and plans call for sixty-two rooms, a large dining hall, and a cafeteria.  Each room will be provided with both shower and tub bath, and electric fan, as well as other conveniences.  The structure will be located on a corner lot next to the headquarters building of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce.  The operators, the North Louisiana Hotel Company, will furnish the hotel.  Ashton Glassell of Shreveport is the contractor, and Edward F. Neild, also of Shreveport is the architect.

   Composing the board of directors of the Longview Hotel Company are:  Oliver Daniel, J. G. Pegues, L. D. Kelly, L. A. Sessums, H. W. Horton, V. R. Hurst, and Mr. Glassell.

Click here for more pictures of the downtown hotel on Jimmy's Flicker Albums.


East Texas Chamber of Commerce Magazines

   Between the 1920s and 1970s the East Texas Chamber of Commerce published a magazine entitled "East Texas".  Longview Public Library has the bound copies in the genealogical room and they are a wealth of information on not just the history of Longview but also east Texas cities. They cover all east Texas cities between Dallas, Shreveport, and Houston.  I'm working on a project with regards to these magazines, however I cannot make promises.  All I can say is just keep track of this blog.  


New blog replacing Facebook and Instagram

   Thank you for checking out this new blog on the history of Longview, Texas.  

   My Facebook account was hacked and without warning or reason Facebook deactivated my account and I had to submit a request for review.  It's been over a week and every time I log in I get a count down saying I have xx days left to request a review before my Facebook is permanently deleted.  My personal Instagram has already been deleted because it was tied to my Facebook account.  

   Regardless if my Facebook is restored or not, I am parting ways with Facebook products, or Meta as the parent company is called.  I'm not going to get into the politics of it on this page but I wanted to give an explanation as to what happened to my Facebook/Instagram groups and pages on Longview History.  

   With regards to my photographs, I have subscribed to unlimited storage with Flickr.com and I will link my photos to this blog.  I will also create Labels on each of my blogs so you can look up different topics or locations.  You can click here to learn how to locate the Label section of this blog.  See below some galleries I already have created.

   Today I met my history buff friend Paul Jones at the Longview Public Library and we thumbed through old publications about Longview.  I will be sharing my research in future posts.

Paul Jones doing research at Longview Public Library

Genealogy room at Longview Public Library


How to find subject Labels

The subject Labels are kind of hidden so I have created this aid on how to find the labels by subject.  You can click each image to view the full size.

Step 1

Click the three horizontal lines

Step 2

Click the chevron pointing down by the line that says "Labels"

Step 3

Here you will see the Labels by subject.  Since I just started this blog at this posting there is only one label and it is Longview Public Library.  More labels will be added to this list as time goes by.  Click on the label for all posts I have associated with that topic.

If you need help with navigating my blog please do not hesitate to e-mail me at MrJimmyRamsey@gmail.com.  


Monday, May 2, 2022

Copyright Disclaimer


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.  Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.  Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor is fair use.

The purpose of  Jimmy's History of Longview, Texas is to preserve the history of Longview, Gregg County, Texas in an electronic format.  Under the fair use clause of The Copyright Act, material is provided for the purpose of teaching and research in an educational format.  


Definition List

Unordered List
