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Saturday, May 21, 2022

New $175,000 Hotel Assured for Longview

   Construction is to begin September 2 [1929] on a new hotel for Longview, which, when furnished, will represent an expenditure of approximately $175,000 ($2,958,718 in 2022).  A charter has been issued to the Longview Hotel Company, which is capitalized at $70,000 ($1,183,487 in 2022), and bonds are to be issued to take care of an equil sum.

   The building is to be five stories in height, and plans call for sixty-two rooms, a large dining hall, and a cafeteria.  Each room will be provided with both shower and tub bath, and electric fan, as well as other conveniences.  The structure will be located on a corner lot next to the headquarters building of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce.  The operators, the North Louisiana Hotel Company, will furnish the hotel.  Ashton Glassell of Shreveport is the contractor, and Edward F. Neild, also of Shreveport is the architect.

   Composing the board of directors of the Longview Hotel Company are:  Oliver Daniel, J. G. Pegues, L. D. Kelly, L. A. Sessums, H. W. Horton, V. R. Hurst, and Mr. Glassell.

Click here for more pictures of the downtown hotel on Jimmy's Flicker Albums.

Source:  East Texas Chamber of Commerce Magazine, "New $175,000 Hotel Assured For Longview" East Texas, Vol. 3, No. 11, September, 1929, page 28. 



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