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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Gregg Hotel - Post Card

I am starting a new series entitled "My Collection" where I highlight pictures of Longview memorabilia which I own.  I will also add a Label, or Bookmark, with the same name so all my related posts will be grouped together.

To kick start this off, I want to share the newest addition to my collection.  It is a color postcard of the Gregg Hotel which was in downtown Longview where Heritage Plaza now sits.  

This postcard is "used" as it was mailed.  It is postdated March 1, 1936.  What is interesting is the writer of the postcard dated when she penned it, which is the same day so she must have mailed it immediately after writing her message.  The writer was one of the last few guests to stay at the Gregg Hotel as it was in 1936 the building was enlarged and became part of the Hilton Hotel chain.

I prefer "used" postcards over uncirculated, especially for the older ones, such as this.  The reason is you know the person is deceased and it is a way to memorialize the person. 

Scroll below the picture where I will type the contents of the note on the card (as best as I can transcribe).  Where I cannot make sense of the word, I will put a question mark.  If you can assist me with the words I cannot transcribe please e-mail me at jdramsey110@gmail.com.

" Dear Folks,

We reached here Friday P.M. after passing through part of the world's largest oil field.  Wells in yards of homes and (?) out in water of a stream!!

We are are enjoying Katherin's & (?) so much and the weather is simply (?)    .  Daffodils, (?) (?) & some other flowers blooming - do under we hate to start for "snow balls" tomorrow?  

This is your father's birthday.  I celebrated mine on our way down!  (?) had a fine winter & he is so much improved in health.  

Love to all,
Mary - 

Mrs. Ralph (?)
213 N. Monroe 
Ridgewood, N.J."


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