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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Longview Opens Hotel Gregg

   With visitors in attendance from various parts of Texas and Louisiana, Longview recently held the official opening of its new $175,000 ($2,958,718 in 2022) hostelry, the Hotel Gregg.  Dr. George S. Sexton, president of Centenary College, Shreveport, and Hubert M. Harrison, general manager of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce, were the principal speakers at a banquet for officers, directors and stockholders, held the first night.  A dance and buffet supper on the second night marked the official opening to the public.

   The Hotel Gregg, owned by the Longview Hotel Company, is five stories in height and contains sixty-four rooms with bath, lobby, dining-room and cafeteria.  The structure is located next door to headquarters of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce.  It is operated by the North Louisiana Hotel Company, operators of the Washington-Youree Hotel in Shreveport.

   Ashton Glassell of Shreveport was the contractor, and the architect was Edward F. Neild, also of Shreveport.

Click here for more pictures of the downtown hotel on Jimmy's Flicker Albums.

Source: East Texas Chamber of Commerce Magazine, "Longview Opens Hotel Gregg" East Texas, Vol. 4, No. 6, April 193, page 30.



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